Before Joanne joined PWFC 9 months ago she had a lifelong  struggle with body image. “I was feeling so unhappy and not well, it was hard to run around and play with my grandchildren or walk up a few stairs.”  After a Hyperthyroidism diagnosis Joanne chose to overhaul her Nutrition and Activity opposed to taking medications.  The choice was simple when Joanne decided to change her mindset, she found PWFC to be non-judgmental, friendly, and convenient with a variety of classes including mind-body; she was on her way to a big shift in her health.  “Truly the convenience of the gym in Tower 2 is priceless for me – I am the type of person once home you need a crowbar to get me out again”

Joannes consistency is very admirable, you will see her at the club most days either before or after work and some days both!  “Going to the gym is just the same as getting up every day to go to work – it’s built into my life.” In addition to her regular workouts (even on days she feels tired) her main diet change was eliminating processed foods, reducing breads and pasta and adjusting shopping and cooking habits. Living the 20/80 lifestyle and not depriving herself has lead to a new healthier sustainable lifestyle. All the effort has resulted in lower cholesterol, blood sugar, more energy, better sleep, and feeling stronger physically and mentally. Also Joanne reports to be down a full size admitting that watching the scales for results is just discouraging. 

Joanne’s peers at work acknowledge her hard work and commend her and in turn she  motivates them – which is amazing! All trainers have at some point helped her, sometimes just saying “Hello Joanne” makes her day and feel like PWFC is genuinely interested in her journey and that she is just not a faceless member.

Keep up the great work and attitude Joanne you are inspiring so many others! Your approach “A healthier lifestyle is not a destination it is a lifelong journey.” is exactly the message PWFC wants to share.