Name it Don’t Numb it!

These times are extremely challenging for everyone in a variety of ways so it is timely for us that Canada Mental Health Week is May 3-9. We will continue to advocate for Mental Well-being by sharing information that encourages us all to “Get Ready and #Get Real”. In addition to sharing information, we have several resources and programs that can contribute to your Mental Health so if we can assist in pointing you in the right direction please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Dealing with your feelings: 5 ways to learn “emotional regulation”

The past year has sent us reeling through a vast range of emotions: worry, stress, boredom, as well as hope, empathy and optimism. According…
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What if negative emotions aren’t so bad?

Negative emotions? Unpleasant feelings? Chances are you have them. And chances are they’ve intensified this past year, as we’ve struggled with the effects of…
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When positivity turns toxic and 4 ways to combat it

There is a misconception that being mentally healthy means being happy all the time. The expressions are well-known: keep your chin up, or your…
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7 steps to calm your inner world with words

Spring has sprung and hope is in the air, but not everyone is feeling peachy. It’s been a tough winter and your inner world might…
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Why saying “I feel bad” can actually make you feel better

Scientists call it “affect labelling” but more simply it means “putting feelings into words.”  Understanding how this works might just change the way you respond…
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Understand your emotions, understand yourself

Emotions play a huge role in our lives, our actions and our relationships. Yet, most of us know surprisingly little about what they are,…
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Name it to tame it

Naming how we feel is good for us on so many levels (see “Understand your emotions, understand yourself”). Here are some tips for building your emotion-naming muscles: Check in with yourself and come up with just…
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More than simply “fine”

It happens every time we say hello. Someone asks us how we’re doing. It’s politeness. It’s a social convention. But are we really saying how we really……
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Check in on your mental health

We found that, while feeling well means different things to different people, some things might actually apply to all of us in order to……